The November to Remember!
This was/is a part of a greater work of The Study of Numbers with a prevalent viewpoint from the Bible and a lesser alignment with that of Nature and a still further consideration of the way things are with numbers.
This was from a study of Why Numbers mean - what they symbolize. Numbers have a meaning to them in their basic designs and order. They then become some sort of language to those who can speak it but its highly ciphered and symbolic. These symbols are all around us but they're kept secret and indeed, from my experience, even to suggest such things to those that are not "in the club", is to invite attack. It is even these senseless attacks is what convince me, even further, that this is a very powerful code that some do not want broken.
Anyway, we pick up at 8 because of a "new beginning" that happened oh so long ago now. Try to understand what is before 9 affects its meaning, so we have to look at this before you'll get the gist of where "9" is heading to from where it had its momentum from previous numbers.
We'll pick up here:
A Short Synopsis of 8
In order to see what 8 means we first have to look around it.
Now 9 is 6 upside down and turned around (mirror image) - Something about number 9.
Now take the time of year. November is the 9th month - like nueve is 9 in Spanish and there are other examples of this numbering. Novem is Latin for 9. So it is in the word itself, its just that most will write "11" for the date as they're writing a check, for example. I know for me when I hit September I have to write Sept. on my checks; and for the rest of the year I'll have to put the name of the month just so I won't mistakenly write what the number associated with the name of that month!
This from Wikipedia:
- There are nine circles of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy.
- In J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, there are nine rings of power given to men, and consequently, nine ringwraiths
- Additionally, The Fellowship of the Ring consists of nine companions, representing the free races and also as a positive mirror of the nine ringwraiths
- Nine is strongly associated with the Chinese dragon, a symbol of magic and power.
When you’re a beginner - they call you a novice. Nov has the connotation of a beginning but of a different sort.
Which Was the First Month?
By the way, you'll look long a hard to find out which month is the first month at the first. I know that God said that Noah entered the ark in the 2nd month but we don't know exactly which month that was! Yet.
Remember when Noah came out of the Ark. God said that the ark landed on the first month. Then again in Exodus God said that this would be the first month with you - but are they the same month?
Now, why would God tell Moses that this would be the first month with you? Was there another first month previously? Maybe the first month was changed! or else why tell Moses that this month is the first? Moses was an old man at that time - did you ever try to tell your old man - "Hey dad this is January - this is the first month". Are you kidding? Do you want to get slapped?
Do you know when the Hebrew Calendar says that time started from?
Note: The below citation is taken and was found long after the majority of this chapter or paper was written. I finally found it on the web within a long article on the history of the calendar. The Author
'3.1 RulesYears are counted from the Era of Creation, or Era Mundi, which corresponds to -3760 October 7 on the Julian proleptic calendar. Each year consists of twelve or thirteen months, with months consisting of 29 or 30 days.'
- Taken from Note 3. The Hebrew Calendar
Its in MH's Commentary
As I was looking up something else one day (circa 2007) I found this in Matthew Henry's Commentary.
This shall be to you the beginning of months. They had hitherto begun their year from the middle of September, but henceforward they were to begin it from the middle of March, at least in all their ecclesiastical computations.
So, again we have approximately the time being the same. I am not going to get into the complicated explanation of getting the different calendars to reconcile. The point is that these different systems of reckoning the historical calendar back to the very beginning of the creation, reckon the same time as I have figured it strictly by making sense of the numbers. Of this I swear to and attest that I had no prior real knowledge of these things - my curiosity was piqued after I had figured it out merely by the "words" being used and the Biblical numerical system I had observed.
The Birthstones.
The stones numbered for the children of Israel in Exo 28 - the second was topaz - which is the birthstone for November - why is No. 2 the birthstone for No. 9? Unless October is the first month.
Topaz means "to see" and was so named for an island in the Red Sea that was difficult to find and from which a yellowish stone was mined in ancient times. Pay attention! We have a yellow stone in the midst of the Red Sea (The Holy See?) which is a difficult (a cult? is a religious sect isn't it? and an occult is a shadowing effect of a planet or moon that hides a source of light from another which is a hard thing indeed to see) island to see.
What do you get when you mix yellow and red? You get orange - keep that in mind when we talk about the numbers and their colors.
Here's a shocker - the topaz on the Ephod (the Urim and Thummim) represents the tribe of Dan. We all know what happened to Dan? He was excluded from the list in Rev. 7. Also it's history is deep in Apostasy and Idolatry where the two "Holy Cows" show up once again (isn't there a website or a computer company called 'TwoCows'?).
Gen 49:16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
Gen 49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
October's birthstone is the sardius which in Hebrew is called 'odem' which reminds one of the sounding of 'Adam' which has the same meaning of - ruddy or red. That correlation is obvious enough not to merit explanation for most. Since Adam is the first man then the first month would link significantly back to the "ruddiness" of Adam.
Keep in mind that the birthstones are said to come from the Urim and the Thummin in Exo 28.
Also the 'ober' in October is an old German word meaning - upper. Upper as in 'first(?)'.
What's November Like?
Do you know a November day? I know a November day it's dark and dreary and dismal and dank. It's rainy and cold and sometimes turns icy and slushy and the wet damaging snow comes down and brings down some trees. I've seen it rain ice so that the trees split lengthways down and look like some kind of green and brown banana. What has this got to do with the number 9? Everything. You know that you can tell a thing unseen (invisible) by a thing visible? It's in the Bible. Do you know where that is? Well, one of them is in :
Rom 1: 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
This is why Jesus Christ taught in parables because a parable is the same kind of thing. The parable deals with things made in creation and those things have a nature that God imparted to them so with these things – like corn or harvest or tares (a tare is a weed that looks exactly like a blade of wheat while it is young – you can’t tell it from a real piece of wheat until it’s too late and the wheat has shown its fruit, but the tare has no useful fruit) in a wheat field. That’s one of the ways that you can tell that Jesus Christ is God because He teaches in parables - He knows why He created them that way! - and there are other reasons for parables but that isn't for this lesson.
Why do you think it's law nowadays (oh, these silly, religious scientists) to teach evolution in the schools? We are forced to pay our money to the government so that they, in turn, can and do turn kids into a bunch of atheists who haven't got the sense God gave a brass monkey, spiritually speaking, in understanding, dead. They don't see those things in nature because they think nature just happened by sheer chance; but anyone who's read on the subject knows that it's well beyond the possibility (I said possibility not probability) for even 1 DNA molecule to "accidentally" come to pass since the beginning of the universe (even if it is 12 or 14 - or whatever they've changed it to recently - billion years old).
If they would only teach them numbers instead of fiction.
So things are the way they are for a reason. God says to come and let us reason together. God reasons and He's created you to reason as well, of course for some of us this is harder than others, but for some, it's really hard because of their heart. Did you hear me Miss American Pie? The reason that most of the people today can't reason is because of their heart, not their head. The heart is a study altogether different than what we're studying today. Numbers may be hard to figure what they stand for, but they're not deceitful on purpose like God says the heart is. There's only one way to read the heart . . .
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
So why is November the weather for 1313 Mockingbird Lane? Good question! We'll have to look at October to answer that though.
What's October Like?
Okay, now October is about the most perfect month you can get. The skies are clear blue a lot of times (and you have to understand I'm talking about as a rule) the beginning of October especially is a lot of peoples favorite fortnight. I know it is mine and I would have told you that 20 or 30 years ago when I was a kid. I hear it all the time October comes around - man, I wish we had weather like this all year long. It's harvest-time too so there's plenty of everything to eat and all kinds of feasts to enjoy - sometimes too much to enjoy. You know I bet a lot of people don't realize it but it's because it's so beautiful too. I mean for a couple of weeks there it's all kinds of spectacular colors but it's short lived isn't it? Yeah, you have to look at them when they're there - not when you can! That's a good lesson in life isn't it - like your kids - enjoy them while they're there because pretty soon . . . they won't be.
So, October starts out as a great month and near the end of October around here you have an Indian summer. Okay, now October is the 8th month - don't forget that - that's why it's called Oct - ober! Oct means 8 and for times sake - I'll just tell you right now that 8 is 'New Beginnings'. You can check out Gen 8; Acts 8; Matt 8: Prov 8 etc. On the 8th day a male Hebrew child was circumcised. In the 8,000th year we'll begin all over again - that is after the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ - now, that's the day I'm waiting for! We won't have to deal with the corruption of man (and especially The Things - see Dan 2:43) on a daily basis like we do today. I'm so tired of it, and I know everyone that works for a living is too. Today, one can hardly find a good employer to work for if you're a Christian and want to lead a Christian life. You can't hardly find a good neighborhood anywhere today unless you make $200 grande a year and it's getting harder and harder to find a good Christian mate that will stay with you for a lifetime - no matter what happens.
Today, it's Darwinism that rules the day - and it's not getting better. The old saying that "things are getting better and better in every way and every day" doesn't apply any longer, I'm sorry to break that bit of bad news to you. You could only had made that mistaken observation when people didn't believe in Evolution as to their religion. You could only have been that stupid during an era when most people believed that they came from God and when they died were going to stand in front of him in judgment of how they lived. Did you know that that makes a difference in anyone's life? I think of the stupid answers I get when we hand out tracts dowtown with our church and of all the stupid answers that we ever get for not taking a harmless piece of paper called a Bible tract to tell one how to get saved one of the stupidest has got to be "we're going to let him decide for himself".
Is that stupid or what?
Is he going to decide if he wants to go to school for himself too? What you're doing lady and gent is quickly making a monster out of your kid so that when he's a young man - he won't have any reason to behave or live his life so that he can reap good fruit. Instead he'll reap rebellion, he'll listen to Rock n Roll and it will become his religion instead of godliness. You want me to tell his future? You want me to tell you that he's going to get a girl pregnant out of wedlock and he'll turn to drugs for recreation and to liquor and to unmentionable things? I know what kids are doing today - you have to have some sort of plan to get around that you know?
You can't make that mistake today and in the future - good news for modern man - it's only going to get worse.
Enough of that, though.
So, why am I going back to No. 8 to explain No. 9? You must be patient. You're not going to see this aspect of No. 9 without seeing what and where No. 8 has been.
Now, let me ask you something - what month do you think Adam and Eve were created. Oh, I know, the first month. Well, sure enough that's true, but let me ask you something akin to that. When was their first "day off"? I know, the Sabbath day - the seventh day. Right, but that was Adam and Eve's first day after being created - right? So, they weren't Seventh Day Adventist's were they? No! they took off their first day - they observed their first day off - like we do. God's grace was on them and God's period of grace is on us - so we, like Adam, take the first day off because that's grace. God's grace was so much on them that the time in which they lived in the Garden of Eden is called the Dispensation of Innocence and that's exactly what Grace does for us today! It makes us Innocent before God - not just Not Guilty but Innocent, because we're not "born of Adam" anymore we're born of Jesus Christ!!!
1Jo 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
Amen that'll preach! 7th day Adventists have got it all messed up! They're not Jewish, it's not a Jewish time, it's not a type of Millennium, the Law doesn't save you (nutcases! The Old Testament ends with the word "curse" in verse 6 - man's number - hence, it's a curse (a hex - and hex is 6) for man and not a blessing), you're not supposed to suffer a woman to preach (kind of has the same time signature count or meter as - Exo 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. - doesn't it?) ; you therefore don't take off on Saturdays you take off on Sundays. Grace is great and it's the only permanent, lasting answer for man's problem.
Anyway, the point is that sometimes the right number is the wrong number and sometimes they both can be right. For God it was the 7th day of Creation but for man it was his first full day! Just like this this 8th month is probably (note the probably because of the probability of it after this explanation) when Adam and Eve were created – argument aside for right now, OK? You have to remember that the first month being March/April wasn't actually named until Exodus came along and then God said that this will be the first month to you. Afterward, all the months followed that but we really don't know the first month - Biblically that is. Let's see if we can find it out by the types that are involved in a certain time of year.
Working Out the Code From Romans 1:20
Ok, so after some search I found something on October being the first month. Keep in mind that I did not see what comes after this until well after I have written this other stuff in here and for that purpose I will bracket what I have now found. Inside the bracket is the new information and then I'll continue on outside of the brackets.
{ Years are counted from the Era of Creation, or Era Mundi, which corresponds to -3760 October 7 on the Julian proleptic calendar.}
Now be aware of what I’m doing here. I’m working Rom 1:20 in reverse! Sometimes you can see something clearer by this type of investigation. Rom 1:20 says that God created things and the way or the nature that they have has a representation of a spiritual thing that God wants to show you. That’s easy to see and that’s exactly how Jesus taught the people. He taught them in parables which is the way, if you think about it, that God would teach. That way He would reveal why He created things in a certain way and why they have a certain nature that went along with the creation. God’s trying to show us something that we can’t physically see so that we might understand through something that we can see. All good teachers use object lessons and if they don’t . . . they’re not good teachers – period. Ever wonder why Buddha and Krishna and Mo (hammed – that’s what I call him – I can remember Mo) didn’t teach in this manner? Because they didn’t understand this simple thing about God that God created things to show us things spiritual that we couldn’t see by giving us things that we can see. It’s just that these “Wise Guys” never took the time to notice this. Besides, it’s not very “impressive” to the college scribes that have never worked on a farm to explain deep spiritual things that they wouldn’t begin to understand and would have to be explained of them by a poor “dumb”, uneducated farmer.
God has a way of humbling the proud doesn't He?
Okay, so for now let's just say that it was October. I say October for a number of reasons. One is because of new beginnings and I'm not going to go into that right here and now. The other is because of what evidently happened and I say this because it is pretty obvious if you only look at the calendar now. Ok, so Adam and Eve were created but on what day? Well did you ever hear of “Thank God it's Friday"? You like Fridays don't you? Yes, you do or when you were young you sure did. You couldn't wait to get off of work or school and go and be with your friends Yee haw! Yes, that was you. As Fred Flintstone says “Yabadabba- doooo!”
Okay, so I guess I gave away that it was Friday. You'd be surprised how many people never thought of that - they never connect any more that Friday is the 6th day. I know why - because everyone calls it the weekend - this is not only a misnomer but it shows you the attitude of the world, that they call it a weekend because the first thing that they want you to do is work then you can rest but God started us off the other way 'round. It's also the week's beginning. Sunday begins the week - you should give the Lord the first fruits right? Right, so we meet on the first day (add that to the list above) Amen! The first Day God let light and the first day of the week - we get light. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It's a good way to start off the week because you are fulfilling a type by getting light on the first day. Did you know God blesses types when you fulfill them and He's not happy about it when you don't? Check it out - it's true. Ask Moses when you see him next!
Friday, the 6th day God made Adam - male and female made He them and called their name Adam. Do you know that I learned that from and mailbox when I was about 6? Yes, I looked up at our mailbox and it said Mr. and Mrs. John W LastNameHere. I said ' where's mom's name?" but that is mom's name. I always remembered that for some reason - I think that was my first mystery. It's like the mystery of Christ and the church isn't it? Yes, it is. Nowadays you know the woman is keeping her own name - hyphenating it. I think it's for money - that's how it got started - name recognition you know. But now I just think that it's because you can hardly find a good woman so the women today have the men wrapped around their little fingers . . . and they call the shots so they might as well keep their name. It's kind of like saying - we're not really married (I'm talking about God's way of course - marriage is God's idea - shacking up legal-like is man's idea) we're just shacking up legal-like. They take some of the woman's vows out too and of course neither is going to please the Lord and He won't bless it.
Praise God!!! His word is true!
The 6th day was they day they got married! Now, when might you think was the fall? Did you ever wonder about those things?
Jer 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Did you ever do anything like that? Let's go on.
Well, there's an old saying and it's an doozy of a saying - it's always negative! Always! Can you guess it? It's . . .
"I guess the honeymoon's over"!
Typically, and I mean all over the world and for not just centuries but millennia, the honeymoon is 7 days long but especially in the Jewish wedding. We see that in the future there will be a honeymoon of 7 years for the church in heaven while the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, and the Great Tribulation is going on in the earth - and if you think of it that's how all of our honeymoons are. We don't know what's going on back home and we don't care - we're having a heavenly time. We send a postcard - Wish You Were Here! (but, glad you're not).
Friday the 13th
Now, can you add? What's 6 and 7? That's right it's 13 - easy enough! But what day would that be?
Right, Friday the 13th. . . Now you know.
Interesting story - you know where I got that from? From a little girl whom I wasn't even talking to - I was talking to her sister about TGIF because during the conversation of eating that restaurant came up and I asked her if she knew where that came from. I mean the riddle goes "Who was the first to say 'Thank God it's Friday!'? Adam - he was made and created on Friday. Somehow a voice in the back asked "Was that Friday the 13th?" I said no - "that would be the next . . . week . . ." and then it hit me. That would be the next week - 7 days for a honeymoon and then . . . you know the rest.
Now Friday the 13th isn't just something that's been around for 500 years and in the United States, It’s as old as any mythology around; it's in all kinds of cultures and peoples and . . . no one knows where it comes from so it gets classified as an old wives tale. I just explained where it came from - it came from the fall of man! I know I've heard that some historian had it as the day that the death angel came into Egypt and killed the firstborn who wasn't under the blood. Well, that's good too - I don't unnecessarily disagree but - it didn't affect the whole earth's peoples so why does everyone have it? Because (probably) that's the day Adam fell and that does affect the whole earth and it was when Adam and his kin lost the crown to the now reigning king.
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
to fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down,
and broke his crown,
and Jill came tumbling after!
The Fall
Now Adam fell. Did you get that? He fell . . . short. All have fallen short of the glory of God. In the day that thou eatest thereof - Adam shalt surely die - and he did - he did. It just took a little time - a little over 900 years but that's a little time compared to the time that he had! Adam surely died and that's recorded in Gen 5:5 (see No. 5) but he didn't die that day did he? No, but did God say he would die that day?
Jehovah's Witnesses say yes and they say that Adam died that day. I really don't know what they do with Adam after that but that just goes to show you about the JW's. They don't know English much less the "original Greek". God did not say 'Adam, if you eat of that fruit - you're going to die that day!' did He? No, do you know why? Because, God's no fool No. 1 and 2. God knows English! That might surprise some of you who've been listening to the 'Christian Radio' the last 20 years, but it's true, when God promised to preserve His word - He knew what He said.
Okay, so God knows English, so when God said "in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" He didn't mean that Adam was going to physically die that day but that he would one day (starting from the day that he ate of that fruit) surely die. If I came up to you and I said to you thou shalt surely die - would you think that I was talking about right then and there or would you think that I was making a general statement but regarding it to you particularly? Now, I'll say it - you shalt surely die - but didn't you already know that? Have you done anything about that day yet? You ought to you know - you shouldn't put it off.
2Co 6:1 We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. 2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Now, the kingdom was rent from Adam because he fell. Did you get that? Adam fell. You know what I think? I think as he took that bite and his eyes were opened - I think a little leaf from a golden colored tree slowly fell to the ground. "Hmm. I don't think I've ever seen that before" said Adam. You know why they're called "leaves" - they used to be called "stays" but that was a long, long time ago. The name was changed because of the guilty. They use to stay but now they leave the tree. We're so used to them being called that as a noun we forget about the verb. The noun is called that because of the verbiage. One thinks one doesn't have anything to do with the other you know - a lot of nouns get their names from verbs. It holds the same meaning really. We just use it for different purposes at different times, but that's the wonder of the English, and that's another subject for another time. You can't get it all in one day folks.
Gen 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
Adam and Eve now knew that they were naked and they, unlike some people today, evidently had enough sense to put some clothes on - even though no one else was around. Today people are taking their clothes off all the time in front of other people! Of course, a lot of that has to do with the love of money being the root of all evil, but what scholar today knows (or is willing to confess) that?
I remember listening to the radio one day and lo and behold the local radio personality found himself a "Christian nudist" to talk to! You heard me right - a Christian nudist.
You might be asking at this point if he knew what each one of those two words meant?
Apparently so - and was I ever glad it was radio that I was listening to. He was even using the example that we were created in the image of God, and God created Adam naked and we need to get back to that original condition. Of course, he failed to mention that every act of nakedness after that was looked down upon by God and even the most evil of characters in the Bible had enough morality in them not to go around naked. Every time nakedness is mentioned it seems as if it has something to do with demon possession - like the Maniac of Gadara! But people today just use the verses that support their want, or whim. They just can't muster enough character within themselves to find out what the Bible wants for them today, and do the will of God that way. No, they have to look and hunt and find and when they get all the way to Gen 2 or 3 - they find what they're looking for and they stop looking.
Sound familiar?
Anyway, they were naked and they put on clothes while the trees had leaves leave them and were naked. The whole thing was upside down of what God intended which reminds me of that verse in Acts where it says . . .
Act 17:6 . . . These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
And another thing . . .
Isa 29:16 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?
Sound familiar?
The Fall of Man
Ro 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Okay, so now we have fall as the right time for the fall- in October to be exact. New beginnings and that again has got to be put off for another subject. That's a long argument and this is such a short paper but I'll tell you this.
The darkness had to be created (Isa 45:7) and if the darkness was created you have a time gap between the time when all the sons of God shouted for joy (Job 38 about Gen 1:1) and that No. 2 verse in the Bible ( I told you to watch out for No. 2's!). Let's face it people you might get a little kid who's 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 to shout when you build up the excitement and then turn off the lights but angels are going to wonder what happened to God when He showed them the heaven all black and dark and void and covered with water. They're not going to shout for joy are they? You wouldn't - would you want someone to give you a junkyard and be expected to be all excited about it? No, put yourself in their places - why would they shout for joy? Why does Jeremiah 4 show a similar thing to Gen 1:2 and uses the same wording and show that that is a result of judgment? What about Ecc 1 where it says;
Ecc 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
In October we have:
In November there
Great weather
Damp, dreary drastic
Cool and sunshiny
Darkly gloomy and Icy
Trees brilliantly
Trees are naked
Harvest time and
Rationing for winter
Wishing that life could always be this way
Dreading the long winter's night
Besides, I'll refer you back once again, to the verse in Romans which shows you that you're supposed to see the invisible things by what God has shown you in the visible things. What about the doctrine of being born again? Where is it in Gen 1? ( I mean if you don't have that gap in-between the first and the second verse) Wouldn't you think that it would be in there - the most important thing to you or to me personally in the whole Bible and having to do with the coming of Jesus Christ as Messiah and saving God's creation and are you going to tell me it's not there? It's in the first 3 verses. You have a heaven and an earth created by God (this is when all the sons of God shouted for joy) then you have a dead earth and then you have . . . Light! He even calls it the first Day and it's capitalized!!! Behold now is the day of salvation! And the first day that God is interested in you is the day you get saved and there it is right in the first 3 verses of the Bible and - beloved, now are we the sons of God. Sons of God is a phrase which always has to do with a being who was created directly by God. The angels are called sons of God in the OT in books like Job and Genesis. Adam was called a son of God by Matthew in his genealogy, and we are called the sons of God in Romans, Phil, and I John because we are now directly created beings by God! (many denominations - especially the non-denominational denomination - don't really believe this because they don't teach the circumcision of the soul from the body! - Col 2 - oddly enough, this is the Epistle which has the most mentions of the church of the Laodiceans - which is exactly where we are in Church prophetical history as in Rev 2 & 3! No, Paul and Jan and Bennie and Sam we're not in Joel 2; you're just jumping the gun again and trying to steal promises given to sign-seeking Jews, and calling them your own for your own glory.) We can be called that because of so great salvation given to us by the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
A Type is A Prophecy!
Do you realize then that in typology this is the first prophecy in scripture? The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy and you have it in type right here! A beginning; a dead earth (a man is made of earth); and then a resurrection from the dead and darkness turns to light! I'll say this again - some people say that the Bible is 1/3 prophecy and I say, I don't know, it looks like the whole thing is prophecy of one sort or another.
Okay, now we can go on to the meat of the matter. Because of the above we'll say October is the month (you'll still have to be patient if you don't believe that - I'm getting to it!) And a week later - the honeymoon's over and Man falls. Not only does man fall but the "stays" don't stay anymore they leave - so now they're called leaves, because one day they fall and they leave! So, it is that one day man fell and - it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment.
A rather strange peculiarity the we find in the English is the term "week". It's strange that it is a homonym (sounds alike) for weak and the only way I can figure that it fits together is that man became weak after a week!
Isa 14:10 All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us?
It's almost as if English words speak the truth!
Another strange sound alike is ...
What time of day was this done?
It was the morning!!!
Then the Death Sentence was given:
Ge 3:17 ¶ And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Why do we call it morning?
When do we mourn?
When someone we loved dies.
Strange language, insn't it?
Now, We Can Conclude!
It has been a long custom of men to crown a king on the next full moon. Not that the new king doesn't immediately rule but he is not officially king until the next new moon. So originally, the months followed the new moons - like the Indians use to say in the movies - many moons ago. The next month would be November and remember that's the Biblical ninth month but - as I said before watch out for No. 2! He tries harder doesn't He? Did you know that Avis and VISA numerically stand for 666? That was free but it's funny how Avis tries harder and they're No. 2! (just a coincidence - can't be anything to it). So the second month the new king is crowned but - do you know what day this is? It's the All Hallows Eve day - we call it Halloween but it's that day.
Now do you know why the number 5 ball is orange and the 8 is black on a green pool table? No, I'm not telling you to burn all the pool halls in town and throw away your pool table and to go preaching with froth foaming from you mouth on every pool table in every pool hall in town!!! But, as I remember "We got trouble - right here in River City - with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool!" had to do with a Pool Hall - never mind.
Now, a lot of people say but it's not November 1st its October 31st - ha-ha there goes your whole theory!!!!
Well, you got me there!
(no, just kidding : ) )
Have you ever celebrated (or maybe you've heard of it) something called Christmas Eve? Why is that the night before? How about New Year's Eve? Ok, let's turn to your Bible.
And you don't have to turn far.
Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
The EVEning came before the morning - the Jews still hold to this. Their day always starts around sundown - do you think that they know why? I'm not sure but let it show some of you young folk that some traditions are there and they're not evil - there's a reason for them you just haven't been explained the reason. So, now you know why Hallow'een is on the night of Oct. 31st! It's really the start of the ninth month. That's number nine - he's turned 6 upside down and turned around and rented the kingdom from him, and one day they'll elect him as their president. Do you know when? When do elections take place? In November. Ours is the first Tuesday in November and - I'm sorry to say but if you have October only having 30 days the first Tuesday in November is . . . (drum roll please)...
November the first - that would be All Hallows Day! I'm getting a little sick now I'll have to step away from this and try to convince myself that this is all some bad trick, or treat of coincidence. : (
Now I lay me down to sleep . . .
Pro 1:20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: 21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, 22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
Now do you see why the witches and the high principles of this world go wild on that night? They come in from all parts of the country and places of the world to come together (Beatles circa '60's) to worship and sometimes to child sacrifice to Satan. You know something about that child sacrifice - it not just has to be human - it has to be the first born. Like Cain was - now do you have any idea of what was going on there?
I've even heard tell that there are those in High Offices of the world, who on this evil Anniversary, kill their own parents to gain their ancestral devil(s) that occupy them and lead them!!!
Its a wicked night!
Stop celebrating the night that the principalities and powers (Eph 6) of this world celebrate the Month that their King (Satan) took over this world.
Lu 11:18 If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?
How they must laugh and howl with delight when they see Adam's race celebrating their own death.
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